Caricamento Eventi
Onorati di far parte del festival Ars Electronica con un progetto realizzato interamente Sardegna
Ars Electronica 2021 Festival is just around the corner.
Today we are glad to present “Entu” the first project of our ARS ELECTRONICA GARDEN BOLOGNA/FANO:
๐™€๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™ช is a sci-art project by Emanuele Balia, Fabrizio Casti and Sandro Mungianu in collaboration with Umanesimo Artificiale and EIA – Exploring Artificial Intelligence in Art, a research center from Sardinia.
Researchers and artists will collaborate to return open data in the form of music, images and words, through the use of AI algorithms, to offer a highly perceptive, visual and sound return of the effect that pollution and development, understood as pressure anthropogenic, have on wind, rain and the environment.

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